3LoE - Three Levels of Vocational Excellence
3LoE creates new education and training for green jobs
The acronym "3LoE" stands for "3 Levels of (Vocational) Excellence", 3-level centers of vocational excellence: skills development, entrepreneurship and innovation in the green economy.
The three levels refer to three different levels of education according to the European Qualifications Framework (NQF): Level 1 covers vocational education at NQF levels 3 and 4, Level 2 covers continuing vocational education at NQF level 5, and the third level is dedicated to higher education at NQF level 6, i.e. the bachelor level.
The EU project "3LoE" addresses precisely these questions of how education and training should be designed in order to be permeable from one level to the next.
The goal is to enable higher permeability along the levels of vocational or higher vocational education and to develop and establish a "Center of vocational Excellence - COVE" of higher vocational education from this.
The 3LoE project will be completed by the end of 2024. The seven regional centers of excellence and transnational platforms are to exist permanently and continue after project completion.
In seven countries (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, Italy and Spain) experts from universities, vocational schools, institutions for further and adult education as well as company representatives meet, share their knowledge and experience, exchange ideas and jointly develop new strategies and measures for new career opportunities and training, as well as specializations and further training for entrepreneurs (SMEs).
For more information, visit the 3LoE project homepage: